9.14.24 North Pond Lincoln Park, Chicago, IL


Double-crested Cormorant gif

Differential Grasshopper

Differential Grasshopper

Western Honey Bee

Western Honey Bee flying

Western Honey Bee hive

Pond Slider

Pond Slider

Pond Slider

Hands ready...

Pond Slider mating ritual. This goofy act is the male displaying his fast-moving flippers and sharp claws to the female. In other words, he repetitively slaps her in the face.

Painted Turtle and Pond Slider

Two Painted Turtles and Pond Slider

Double-crested Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant and immature

Double-crested Cormorant and Juveniles

Double-crested Cormorant gif


Hairy/Downy Woodpecker

Rock Pigeon. When Dad and I saw this Pigeon from afar, it looked so big we thought it was a hawk, an eagle, or an Osprey! We soon figured out it was a pigeon and it was closer than we thought.

Gray Squirrel

Gray Squirrel trying to get us to feed it

Gray Squirrel

Gray Squirrel trying to get us to feed it

Grape Honeysuckle
