8.27.24 Field Museum, Chicago, IL

 Today, Ima, mom and I went to the Field Museum and went to the Blood Suckers exhibit! We saw plenty of gross and/or cool things. Things from fiction to real life. Things that I thought were cute that everyone else was disgusted by. And things that were plain terrifying.

Warning: Gross and/or terrifying photos not for the faint of heart. May be triggering for some viewers.

Pinned American Ladies, Mourning Cloaks, and Red Admirals.

Vampire Snail taxidermy feeding from a fake fish

Flea model and dead flea

Live Lampreys and what I think is a larvae (paler and smaller)

Lampreys Sucking

Dead Heartworms

Sue the t.rex

Goldenrod Soldier Beetle at McCormick Nature Area
