9.10.23 Muirhead Springs Nature Preserve, Hampshire, IL

wavy small minnow mayfly

European mantis
When I saw it flying (which is new for a mantis!) I assumed it was a grasshopper (yeah, it's small. but not THAT small) and ignored it . Mom actually noticed it on the flower.

due to it's small size and pink lines I thought it was some orchid mantis that flew north 'cause of global warming.

red-legged grasshopper

red-legged grasshopper

red-legged grasshopper

carolina grasshopper

two-striped grasshopper

two-striped grasshopper

familiar bluet

familiar bluet

familiar bluet

common whitetail skimmer

dying wandering glider


maize calligrafer

maize calligrafer

Red-belted Bumble bee

flightless ground beetle

striped millipede

spotted cucumber beetle

striped ground cricket

European harvestman

convergent ladybeetle


totricid moth
